This kit is offered in many configurations. To fit your needs for the products you are hauling.
We have had a few versions over the years.
The Pivotal Edge is an automated safety system designed for the bulk material industry.
The system can be added to many types of containers such as large bulk truck trailers, storage silos, rail cars and more.
The Pivotal Edge allows the cover or hatch of the container to be operated from the ground as opposed to the need to climb and manually open/close the container.
The system is entirely pneumatic.
Installation of the Pivotal Edge requires minimal modifications for a standard 20” opening.
Multiple mounting configurations are available.
The system can operate up to 4 covers per container from a single control point.
A pressure rating of 0-29PSI (0-2 BAR).
A positive weather-tight seal is maintained even if the container pressure drops to zero.